The whole trouble is...: Feast of the Ascension (Caleb Boone)
You will need: Thin card Pritt-Stick (gluestick) Drawing and coloring pens and pencils Insert the split pin through both shapes, so the pictures are visible through the gaps. Jesus' Ascension Craft Kids will love that this craft does something. Receive us and our prayers for all the world, and in the end bring everything into your glory.
Hezekiah, Old Testament king of fame and renown, does not get a lot of play in common Sunday school curricula, but his story actually lends itself to a number of educational and enjoyable activities for the younger set.
You will find many creative craft ideas for any age group.
See more ideas about Sunday school crafts, Sunday school and Bible crafts. Patrick's Day Shamrock Necklace Moses and the Red Sea Printable Craft. You will need: Thin card Pritt-Stick (gluestick) Drawing and coloring pens and pencils Insert the split pin through both shapes, so the pictures are visible through the gaps.
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