Labor Day lesson for Sunday school or children's church ... (Ellen Lindsey)
Work isn't always easy, but it doesn't have to be a drag. Place a small piece of paper marked with a star in one of the balloons. Or give them our Labor Day Coloring Page.
Bible Crafts Including: Labor Day, Lazarus, Leprosy, Light, Lord's Prayer, Mary and Martha, and Mother's Day Labor Day Sunday School Lesson Crafts and Activities See "Work for the Lord" Sunday School Lesson - The Israelites Build the Tabernacle - The Israelites used their talents and wealth to build a temple for God.
Parking, admission to the grounds, music and the living history encampment are all free to the public.
Great Labor Day Crafts For Kids. Sunday with its annual picnic featuring homemade ethnic foods, coal mine and museum tours, music, and a Civil War living history encampment. Kindergarten, preschool, and elementary school crafts.
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