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If the activity is related, it will help kids remember what they learned in Sunday school. Reinforce your Sunday School lessons with these creative craft projects perfect for pre-schoolers and elementary Posted by Julie David. This lesson is about Samuel anointing David to be king.
The Royal Heir to the throne, Jesus Christ, was not like King David "For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid with his fathers and saw corruption but he whom God raised up.
Connect the craft project to that day's lesson.
Are you looking for bible crafts to support your Sunday School lessons for kids? Today we're looking at the story of Samuel anointing David, that one day he would be king! - - - - - I'm Nat, and due to people not being able to get out and about to church, we launched Virtual Sunday School! A great deal of free lessons and resources to go with the lesson themes.
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